Montag, 16. Juli 2007

Cijin Island News

CIJIN Insel Nachrichten/Island News
Diese Woche/This Week in Kaohsiung

Leuchturm/lighthouse 9-16.00 (Montag geschlossen/Monday closed)
Cihou Festung/Fort Strasse geschlossen/ street closed
Erreichbar via Leuchtturm reach via lighthouse
Cihoushan Sternentunnel/star tunnel
Cijin Strand/beach und Musikspringbrunnenparkzeiten/ Music Fountain park:
Waterdanceshow: Mo-Fr 10-12.00 14-20.00
Sa-Su 10-12.00 14-21.00 Show every one hour
Takes around 15-20min
Rickshaws: 100 ND to ferry station 200 ND circle
Cihou Kirche/Church Messe/mass So/Sun 9.40
Cijin Faehrstation/Ferry Station: Faehre von/ Ferry from 6-24.00
Boote nahe der Faehrstation fahren auch nach Mitternacht/
Boat next to the ferry station also after midnights
Bus: 35 ca. alle 20- 30 min/ around every 30 min.
Busroute wegen Strassenaufgrabungen geaendert/
Bus route change because of street diggings
Rickshaws :200 ND cicle
Fahrraeder/ Motorroller Bike/scooter:
Gesundheitszentrum/Health Center
Cijin Strandpark/seaside park
Lin Shui Tempel/temple
Originales Dagou Schulhaus/ Original Dagou Schoolhouse
Fu Shon Tempel/temple
Kaohsiung Institut fuerMarinetechnik/ Institute of Marine Technology
Muschelmuaeum/seashell museum 9-17.00 (Montag geschlossen/Monday closed)
Mercyland DIY Square Sonntag Vorstellung/ Sunday Performance.

Cijin Meeereskueste/Seashore Park
Tian Sheng Temple Temple of holy (holiness) Heaven.
Cijin Softball Feld/ Field
Baseball Feld/Field
4X Fahrrad Strecke/Cycling Track
Der 25 Damen Friedhof/ The 25th Ladies Graveyard
Benthos and Spa of Salzwaaser/ salt water park:
07-5720023 jhong jhou 2nd rd. 289-1
Krieg und Friedens Erinnerungspark/War and PeaceMemorial Park
Cijin Junior High School
Windkraft/Wind power Park
Swimming Pool open 13.30-16.30 19.00-21.30 Price 52 ND
Star of the sea Katholische Kirche/ Catholic Church (1960)
462 chungchou 2nd rd. 07-571 2015?? Pastor Rev. Bosco, Chen
0955 428769 Parish Council, chairman: Mr.Yu-Pi Chao
Indigenous People Church:
Dashan Elementary School
Red Lantern Meeresfruechtemarkt/ Seafood Market: 15.30-20.30
Boat to True Love Pier (only with valid ticket)
Tuesday-Friday 19.40 and/und 21.30
Saturday/Sunday/Holidays 15.30 16.30 17.30 18.30 19.30 20.30 21.30
Ocean Antifacts Museum Samstag/Sonntag Saturday/Sunday geoeffnet/open 13-17.00

(could be closed at the moment! same changes of the exhibition)
Liberty Pier
Abwasserorganismus Ausstellungshalle/The Sewerage System Exhibition Hall Oeffnungszeiten erfragen sie unter/ please call for opening time 07-3373350
Jhongjhou Softball Field
No 6 Park
Jhongjhou Elementary School
Jhongjhou Ferry Station
Ferry to Gaozi Tower: 6.55 and 16.25 Mo-Fr

Faehre nach/Ferry to Cianchen Ferry Station (Dream Mall)

Guangji Tempel/ Temple
Gaozi Turm/ Tower
Tunnel unter dem Hafen/Cross-harbor tunnel
Gaozi Tower:Art & Culture park : Tu-Fri 15-22.00
Sat-Sun 10-22.00
Bus nach/toSiaogang Station : 63,78 dann/than 301 oder/or 12 nach/to KHH Flughafen/airport, KHH Bahnhof/ trainstation
Boot/Boat von/from Hogmaogang nach/to Jhongjhou Fery Station 7.25 and 16.55 Mo-Fr
Nach/to Siaogang Ferry Station (end of Taiji Road)
6.20,7,7,40,8,20 9 10 11 12 13,10 14,30 15,30 16,20 17,00 17,40 18,30 19,30 20,30 21,30 22.15 exept sa, su and holiday
From siaogang 6,05 6,40 7,20 8 8,40 9,30 10,30 11,30 12,35 13,45 15 16 16,40 17,20 18 19v20 21 22 exept sa, su and holiday

Nachtmarkt?Night market:
Twice a week in front of Cijin Elementary School (No.14) MO and FR
Guangji Temple (No.37) THU
Jhongshin near Jhongjhou ferry station (No.36) SU
18-19.00 until 23-24.00
Andere Temple/Other Temple:\
Andere Veranstaltungen/Other Activties:
Sonnenauf und untergang Sunrise/sunset
24 5.32/18.23
29 5.28/18.25

Wasser/ Water; Flut/high tide Ebbe/low tide

Following Ships Arrived/Departure today Day….


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