Fully booked!!

for next days/weeks/months bookings
Zuoying Naval Airfield close to the B&B or "bus" to Zuoying South Station

Features In Kaohsiung
創造沒有負擔休閒空間與環境,由奧地利籍友人共同打造的舒適與歐式風情你可以用英語或德語與簡易的中文來交換彼此旅遊心得或趣聞 當然做好並提供您舒適、整潔的優質住宿環境, 是我們所自我要求的重點, 在您退房後,所有的清潔工作都由我們親自打掃整理, 並不委由清潔公司處理,以期達到對「客房清潔品質」的要求。
客房介紹及房價: 雙人房 單人/上下鋪雅緻房
(日~四): Sun-Thu
(五、六、國定假日 及前夕): Fri-Sa, Holiday and night before Holiday
1 Person (share)
單人上下舖 房(每間可睡兩人)
600NTD per night (每一人費用)
創造沒有負擔休閒空間與環境,由奧地利籍友人共同打造的舒適與歐式風情你可以用英語或德語與簡易的中文來交換彼此旅遊心得或趣聞 當然做好並提供您舒適、整潔的優質住宿環境, 是我們所自我要求的重點, 在您退房後,所有的清潔工作都由我們親自打掃整理, 並不委由清潔公司處理,以期達到對「客房清潔品質」的要求。
客房介紹及房價: 雙人房 單人/上下鋪雅緻房
(日~四): Sun-Thu
(五、六、國定假日 及前夕): Fri-Sa, Holiday and night before Holiday
1 Person (share)
單人上下舖 房(每間可睡兩人)
600NTD per night (每一人費用)
800NTD per night(假日 Holiday 每一人費用)
1-2 Person (room)
980 NTD per night
1300NTD per night (假日 Holiday)
如租整棟房價為2500/每晚 (rent the house max. 4 Person 2500 NTD per Night)
Appartment opposite of Kaohsiung Arena 1690 ND per night(no breakfast served) (minimum 2 nights) monthly rent 16.900 (not included water,gas, electricity, security fee)
KMRT Kaohsiung Arena at the corner of the building. 2 rooms for maximum 3-4 people,
2bathrooms, living room Videorecorder, study room, kitchen with micro and refrigerator
1-2 Person (room)
980 NTD per night
1300NTD per night (假日 Holiday)
如租整棟房價為2500/每晚 (rent the house max. 4 Person 2500 NTD per Night)
Appartment opposite of Kaohsiung Arena 1690 ND per night(no breakfast served) (minimum 2 nights) monthly rent 16.900 (not included water,gas, electricity, security fee)
KMRT Kaohsiung Arena at the corner of the building. 2 rooms for maximum 3-4 people,
2bathrooms, living room Videorecorder, study room, kitchen with micro and refrigerator
Discount when you show us the Kaohsiung South fun map (not for the Appartment)
Discount Voucher booklet (Restaurants, Shops,..) are available at the B&B.
進房時間: Checkin :after 18:30-21:00以後 No Walk-Ins 請於前天或當天早上來電確認實際進房時間。
退房時間 Checkout:until11:00 以前 , 提早退房亦請務必提早一小時電話告知(退房時間可自行協議)。禁止止隨意參觀!
other check in/ out time on request (can only confirmt the night before)
Breakfast: Sorry at the moment no breakfast
7.00-7.30 (a "breakfast box") weekdays
7.00-7.30 (a "breakfast box") weekdays
8.00-10.00 on weekends (please let us know the night before which time you like to have the breakfast).
For vegetarian (please let us know by your booking -which kind of vegetarian food you are like do have (Ovo -lacto....)
Breakfast : in the breakfast room, or in the garden (up to the weather) or at the house.
for next days/weeks/months bookings
send an Emailhsiao992000@yahoo.com.tw
http://kaohsiunghostel.blogspot.com/ 路邊停車位: 左營海軍陸戰隊正門附近。 搭乘公車: 由火車站搭乘往左營海青工商至必勝路口下車
http://kaohsiunghostel.blogspot.com/ 路邊停車位: 左營海軍陸戰隊正門附近。 搭乘公車: 由火車站搭乘往左營海青工商至必勝路口下車
Payment: no CC, cash on arrival or payment via Bank or Post transfer
1st night have to pay in advance via Bank or Post transfer
Cancellation: no show: 100% of the regular 1st night price plus booking fee taken from the CC
less than 1 day: 100% of the regular 1st night price
1-3 days : 75% of the regular 1st night price
KMRT: connect Airport R4 - Trainstation (Main Station R11) - Kaohsiung Arena (R14- take shuttlebus 36 until "South Gate" last stop) Highspeedtrain and TRA ( ZuoyingR16 - shuttle bus to B&B or shuttle bus R51 also from R15 to Zuoyingda Rd near Mc Donald)- World Games (R17 near Zuoying Naval Airfield) - Ciatou Station (R23 connect TRA) in the future Gangshan R24( Gangshan AFB) http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/taiwan/kangshan.htm
take Shuttle bus from HSR (takes 10 min 12 ND) or Gushan Ferry Station (30min 12-24 ND)
(every 30 min from 6.15-22.15) go out at Hai Ching Industrial & Commercial School near South Gate )
從鼓山渡輪站搭乘免費高鐵-鼓渡到海青工商(大約30分鐘)南門附近 ,發車時間從早上八點45分到晚上10點15分(每30分鐘一班)
KMRT: connect Airport R4 - Trainstation (Main Station R11) - Kaohsiung Arena (R14- take shuttlebus 36 until "South Gate" last stop) Highspeedtrain and TRA ( ZuoyingR16 - shuttle bus to B&B or shuttle bus R51 also from R15 to Zuoyingda Rd near Mc Donald)- World Games (R17 near Zuoying Naval Airfield) - Ciatou Station (R23 connect TRA) in the future Gangshan R24( Gangshan AFB) http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/taiwan/kangshan.htm
take Shuttle bus from HSR (takes 10 min 12 ND) or Gushan Ferry Station (30min 12-24 ND)
(every 30 min from 6.15-22.15) go out at Hai Ching Industrial & Commercial School near South Gate )
從鼓山渡輪站搭乘免費高鐵-鼓渡到海青工商(大約30分鐘)南門附近 ,發車時間從早上八點45分到晚上10點15分(每30分鐘一班)
High SpeedRail: http://www.thsrc.com.tw/en/index.htm
U-bus from Bancao,Jhonghe and Sansia to Zuoying Station NO 1 (near South gate) 460 ND -510 ND 3-5 min walk http://www.ubus.com.tw/ http://www.ubus.com.tw/onlineservice/LINEserach.asp
or U-bus to the End stop in Kaohsiung City at Jiouru Rd and jhonghua rd and than the small white colour shuttle bus to Hai Ching industrial and commercial school after you See Nan men (South gate) or take bus 205 (Price 12 ND - no change inside).
or any other busses, train from Taipei and other cities to Kaohsiung trainstation http://new.twtraffic.com.tw/TWRail_EN/index.aspx
and than bus 205,218,245,...to the same bus stop (12 ND)by flight (Kaohsiung Airport) you could take bus 301 (normally for 24 ND) but maybe 7 min walk. or KMRT to Kaohsiung Arena and transfer to Bus Red 36 until last stop near South Gate
Zuoying Naval Airfield close to the B&B or "bus" to Zuoying South Station
Should you arrive New Zuoying Trainstation you still can take the free white shuttle bus to
Hai Ching industrial and commercial school.
Zuoying Trainstation 15-20min walk 3-5 min by taxi so better go out at New Zuoying station! http://new.twtraffic.com.tw/TWRail_EN/index.aspx
Kaohsiung Business Exhibition Center: take Bus 219 (20 min)
When you arrive via ferry from Okinawa (Naha,Ishigaki,Miyako), http://www.arimuraline.co.jp/ Timetable http://www.tokai-kyowa.co.jp/english/i_ferry01.htmlhttp://www.arimuraline.co.jp/20071101.pdf
Cimei or Wangan and Makung http://www.phhg.gov.tw/chinese/depart/traffic/Moment.asp
or via Penghu (Makung) http://www.taiwanline.com.tw/taiwu01.htm
via Hsiao Liouchu (Friday-Sunday) arrival Love Pier take shuttle Bus http://kcmb.kcg.gov.tw/2007/download/20080103140135-1.pdf
Kinmen Express (Kinmen) 07-3329588 or 082-329988
Star Cruise (Star Libre,Aries)
www.starcruises.com (Star Libre)27 and 30 October
Bremen www.hl-cruises.com 20-23 October in Taiwan
Astoria 4th February 2009
Silver Whisper Feb-March 2009
for Cargo Ships (Kaohsiung is the 7 biggest port (2008) please check with your local travel agents
Bremen www.hl-cruises.com 20-23 October in Taiwan
Astoria 4th February 2009
Silver Whisper Feb-March 2009
for Cargo Ships (Kaohsiung is the 7 biggest port (2008) please check with your local travel agents
you can take a shuttle bus from the Fishermanswharf to Hai Ching Industrial and Commercial School after (South Gate) every 30 min (first one at arround 6.30! last one arround 22.30 12-24ND)
Coming from DongSha Island please check with your Navy Officer or the National Park Office
(your arrival location) and we let you know the next busstop.
Should you arrive at Zuoying Navy Base it is normally a short walk
arrival at Pier 1 you can take the shuttle bus from Fishermanswharf for free
Kaohsiung City Bus Information: http://www.khbus.gov.tw/KHWeb/EN/Index.jsp
Kaohsiung Bus/Taichung: also Bus from Taichung (Trainstation,...),.. you could stop 1 stop after Wenzao (minzu Rd Intersection) http://www.ksbus.com.tw/910time.htm other location
and take bus 17 and 217 to Hai Ching Industrial and Commercial School (12 ND) Bus will come every 15-30min (6.30 to arround 22.00) or Red 36 until 23.15 at the moment
Other busses coming to Kaohsiung are normally
Kuo Kuang Motor Transport http://www.kingbus.com.tw/ incl Taitung
Ho-Hsin http://www.ebus.com.tw/
CN Bus (Chungnan Bus) http://www.cn-bus.com.tw/
Pingtung Bus http://www.ptbus.com.tw/
All-Da Bus http://www.alldabus.com.tw./main.html from Puli
(Sun Moon Lake, Nantou,Yunlin County)
Bus 88 from Kenting stop at Trainstation and HSR http://www.ksbus.com.tw/part2-088.htm
Airlines to Kaohsiung: http://www.kia.gov.tw/english/e_index.asp
National Companies:
Daily Air
Uni Air
Eva Air
China Airlines
Mandarin Airlines
Trans Asia Airways http://www.tna.com.tw/)
International C.:
Silk Air (Singapore Airlines)
Dragon Air (Cathay)
Japan Asia Airways (from 31st march Japan Airlines)
Air Macau
Viet Air cooperate with China Airlines
Thai cooperate with China Airlines
Angkor Airways
Cebu Pacific
Transportation and Busses arround Kaohsiung City:
Transportation and Busses arround Kaohsiung City:
There are busses on the mainroad to art museum, history museum, love river, different piers (like ferry to Okinawa, cimei and wangan or penghu makung, ) or pier 2 (a lot of art and galleries there), shopping area or British consulate, or Love Pier ( to Hsiao Lioucho)
Dream Mall: take bus "205" href="http://www.dreamall.com.tw/upload/CTContent/4/4B6833D5-F508-481B-8E94-DBE7F4C9AA14//newmap1200.jpg">http://www.dreamall.com.tw/upload/CTContent/4/4B6833D5-F508-481B-8E94-DBE7F4C9AA14//newmap1200.jpg
You could rent a scooter (a store at Zuoyingda Rd.) or rent a bike and check some other places or go to Half mountain or turtle mountain or monkey mountain and relax in the middle of the city and actually all this 3 places are not far away from the B&B.For relax, well you still can seat in the garden and read a book from the library (5min walking) (have China Post there also).
should you need some tickets for concerts,.. let me know and i will see what i can do.
for Information about Kaohsiung please check under Kaohsiung Activities...
from Cijin maybe you could take the bus to the biggest shopping mall Dream mall (12 ND) and a free ride back to HSR or Art Museum.
Should you need more Information or a Tourguide please let us know.
Maps (incl South fun map), Brochures, English Magazins ( FYISouth,886, Highway, Pressed, XpatTravel in Taiwan,Maritime Capital,..) are at the B&B.
Close to the B&B you have a Golf range, swimming pool (5 min walking),
cheap 2nd running movie theatres, a lot of food outlets and Navy shops, Bank and Post Office at Zuoyingda Mainstreet.
cheap 2nd running movie theatres, a lot of food outlets and Navy shops, Bank and Post Office at Zuoyingda Mainstreet.